Category of the article / blog is a collection of articles that you specify to be grouped into one. You can have as many categories as you want, and as many entries in one category. You can view the article de grouped in the category of the article by clicking on the title of the article category.
for how to display the category of the article on your blog, follow these steps - the steps below:
1.Sign into Blogger.
2.Click the "Layout" link in the Dashboard box.
3.Click on "Add a Page Element" in the blog layout area.
4. In the pop-up window, click on "ADD TO LABEL" After the Newsreel.
5. Click "SAVE CHANGES" to close the pop-up window.
to classify the articles according to the category of the article, you must fill in the "label" at the bottom when we post a new article:
See Figure Below :
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