FR-SYSTEM.WEB.ID Website is owned by CV. FR-SYSTEM in Lampung province which was founded by Certified Experts The National and International educated in their field - Each, especially in the field of Web Programming and Network.
FR-SYSTEM.WEB.ID is the freelance web designers who provide services cheaper and quality website creation. Web design service FR-SYSTEM cover : Design dan Programming Website (E-Goverment, PPDB Online, E-School, online store/E-Commerce , Website Personal, Wedding Website, Web animation and in the internet marketing / internet marketing, and Much, Much the Other, And We Accept Website Creation with facilities, design, and content according to your desire). Besides That We Also Accept Make Aplikation Desktop with a variety of programming in accordance with your wishes.
We Also Opening Private For those of you who want to master the science in the field Web Programming from Basic to Advanced.
FR-SYSTEM.WEB.ID has stood for a long time and have work experience or work that has been in testing Quality. to see the detail work of the CV. FR-SYSTEM, you can directly look at the portfolio page on the Official Site CV. FR-SYSTEM