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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HTML Tags : Center

the paragraph tag or <p> we can simply add the command Align = "center", align = "right" and align = "Left". but what if we do not use a paragraph tag?

we could use the tag center, but could only center alone, there is no tag left and right tags. way of writing is also not much different from the other tag, ie by the start command <center> and ends with the command </ center>, to be more clear, I give examples below.

 <title>Tag Learning Center </ title>
</ head>
This text without tags Center <br>
<center> This Text Using Tag Center </ center>
</ body>
</ html>

on a line of code above the existing commands <br>, yes to <br> you can read the previous article with the title
HTML tags : Break Row or < BR >

to result from the above code, you can see the picture below:

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