Friday, September 9, 2011
Smoking is very dangerous in the Morning
Nearly everyone may know the dangers of smoking, because the content in it is not good for health, and can lead to death. But you do not know that smoke in the morning was two times more dangerous?
ebuah studies involving 7000 smokers, conducted by scientists from Penn State College of Medicine, USA. In that study found that people who smoke a cigarette, 30 minutes after waking up had a risk of lung cancer is twice as large.
Of all study participants are 4776 smokers who had suffered from lung cancer, while other healthy smokers. Compared with those who smoked at one hour after waking, people who smoke immediately after waking up having a 79% chance of getting cancer. But viewed as a whole, how many cigarettes are smoked did not affect the numbers.
"Smokers morning to have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said one researcher, Joshua Muscat, as quoted from Genius Beauty.
In another study that includes 1850 smokers, 1055 of them suffered head and neck cancer. The results of these studies concluded that those who smoke within 30 minutes when you wake up 59% risk of cancer makes the disease more dangerous than those who waited an hour.
Researchers say the findings could help identify smokers who are at very high risk of lung cancer, brain, and neck as well as benefit from a targeted smoking cessation programs. Even so, the risk of cancer would still continue to increase if you continue doing the smoking habit without knowing the time.
3 komentar:
isuk awan bengi sore tetep sama bahayanya
yo memang... bahaya kabeh, hanya untuk informasi aja...
wah, saya perokok hikz
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